Write Your Book

& Gain Authority

Less Than 1% Of The World Has A Published Book, But You Can Join Those Ranks Much Easier Than You Think!

Write Your Book

& Gain Authority

Less Than 1% Of The World Has A Published Book, But You Can Join Those Ranks Much Easier Than You Think!


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Becoming a published author not only puts you in the topn

The Foolproof Method to Finally Get Your Book Written and Published in 8 Weeks or Less (Even if You Don't Know Where to Begin!)

A Book is the Best Way to Establish Authority, Increase Credibility, and Grow a Personal Brand... And What’s Even Better is Getting it Done in 8 Weeks or Less.

Picture this: it's eight weeks from now, and you're receiving phone calls asking you to come speak at events and on podcasts to talk about the book that you just published.


You look at your bookshelf and see YOUR published book right there, nestled among your favorite authors and "experts" you've admired for years.

Now, you're viewed as an expert, part of an esteemed circle.

You start feeling a rush of excitement feeling proud of yourself for your accomplishment.


Your book is written and published.

You've joined the ranks of the select few who have accomplished this feat.

You're a true outlier, set apart from the mainstream of society.

You've accomplished something that 99.4% of the world never will.


Your personal stories of transformation will now help others overcome obstacles and solve problems of their own.

Your story matters, and every time you look at your book on the shelf you can be reminded how many lives will be better because you chose to share yourself with the world.

You're a person destined for greatness.

You are now quite literally among the TOP 0.06% of creators, free thinkers, entrepreneurs, and leaders in the entire world, and whether you know it or not, you're now a messenger of FREEDOM.

It doesn't matter what industry you're in, what product you sell, or what mission you have...at the end of the day, relationships are the gold that opens doors to opportunity.

When you document your experience, pain, passion, and breakthroughs, it invites people into an authentic relationship with you.

They get to know you, like you, and trust you.

When people know you, like you, and trust you they listen to you, support you, PAY YOU, and rally behind you.

And, they'll find freedom by experiencing the same breakthroughs you did!

You're the trusted authority now, and your words are already opening doors to help you increase your income and have greater influence on the people and causes you care about.

It's One Of The Greatest Feelings of Accomplishment!

We can speak to this moment from personal experience. 

I’m Trevor Dunbar, and alongside my wife Bridgett, I've carried the dream of publishing books for years.

We've each had countless conversations about the impact our words could have, yet like many, we often found ourselves stuck in a cycle of procrastination.

The sad part is that I actually wrote my first book in 2007 but didn’t publish it until 2023.

I wrote the book about choosing faith through financial hardship as my world was falling apart.

I never shared it with anyone, even though it could have encouraged a lot of people.

I can see now that it was selfish of me not to publish it.

Maybe you can relate, or even have a similar story.

I kept telling myself I didn’t have anything unique to say that hadn’t been said before by someone else. 

I convinced myself it wasn’t good enough to publish. 

I was nervous about being judged or rejected by people I thought were smarter than me.

I just kept finding reasons not to publish it.

And I never even considered the potential for money and authority it could create for me as an influencer for change.

However, something shifted when my good friend and mentor, Scott McHugh died. 

Scott was someone I had been asking to write books for 14 years because I had learned so much from him and I knew how many people could be set free by the things he knew. 

Despite my constant pestering, he never wrote or published a book.

In the last conversation I had with Scott, I was venting my frustration with him that he had never written any books.

Little did I know that would be the last time I would talk to him before he died. 

About a year later, it dawned on me that I was a hypocrite.

I’d been frustrated with Scott for not sharing his knowledge and viewpoints with the world, but here I was with a completed book in Google Docs that I still hadn’t published...16 years later! 

So I chose to stop merely talking about being an author someday, and I took decisive action.

I figured out how to publish that first book, and then a few months later I went on to write and publish my second book in just 7 days!

Writing my second book was a lot easier because my wife helped me organize my thoughts and come up with the right strategy, and then something unlocked in me and I realized anything was possible.

I wasn't just a reader of books anymore; I was an author!

Bridgett also authored and published a book about her grief and healing after her son died. 

For both of us, as we’ve chosen this path of being published authors, we’ve grown personally in the process, found healing, and we’ve had a surprisingly positive experience in being able to make more money and have more influence as a result of finally doing what we should have done years ago!

Now, we're eager to extend this opportunity to you.

We understand the challenges and uncertainties that accompany the journey of authorship. That's why we've developed a streamlined framework to guide aspiring authors like yourself toward success.

Our goal is simple: to empower individuals like you – creators, free thinkers, entrepreneurs, and leaders – to find more freedom, make more money, and have more influence.

Writing is one of the oldest forms of influence. From ancient scrolls to modern literature, writing has been a powerful tool for shaping thoughts, beliefs, and societies throughout human history.

In a noisy and distracting world with billions of people desperate for solutions, how much longer will they have to wait for the words only you can write?

Are you ready to turn your ideas into reality? 

Are you ready to make a meaningful impact with your words? 

If so, let us lead you to confidently and boldly join the ranks of the top 0.06% of the world as a published author.

Here's to your future success, income, and influence as an author!

Paul Berens

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Listen to Paul Berens' Experience + Results.






Publishing a book establishes you as an authority in your field and enhances your credibility.

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A published book can increase your visibility and reach a wider audience.

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Books can generate income by leading readers to your offers and opportunities for speaking engagements.

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Publishing a book can open doors to new networking opportunities with fellow authors, industry professionals, and potential clients.

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Books have the power to inspire, educate, and influence readers, allowing you to make a positive impact on people's lives.

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Your book can become a part of your legacy, leaving a lasting impression on future generations.

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Personal Growth

The process of writing and publishing a book can lead to personal growth, healing, self-confidence, and even refining your message.

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Writing a book allows you to delve deep into your subject matter, showcasing your expertise and knowledge.

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There is a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment that comes from seeing your ideas and stories in print and sharing them with the world.

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Personal Growth

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"Our legacies run the risk of being forgotten if they're not written down."

— Bridgett Dunbar

"The easiest way for creators, free thinkers, entrepreneurs, and leaders to make more money and have more influence is to publish a non-fiction book."

— Trevor Dunbar

Still deciding if this is right for you? Read on...


Take the guessing game out of writing and publishing your book.

By the end of this course, you will have:

✅ A clarified message.

✅ A completed manuscript.

✅ The knowledge and skills to independently publish your book.

✅ The knowledge and skills to market your book with no money out of pocket.

✅ Positioned yourself as an authority in your field.

✅ New opportunities to tell your story with a published book.

✅ Developed more self-confidence.

✅ Positioned yourself to have a lasting impact in your endeavors through the power of your published work.

In addition, you will achieve:


Streamline your writing process without striving. We guide you through efficient planning, outlining, and drafting methods to ensure you complete your manuscript within the 8-week timeframe.


You’re the only expert in your story, and it’s time to create your brand, and your authority. Tell your story, be authentic, help people the people you’re called to serve. Don’t underestimate the power of being in the top 0.6% of the world!


Demystify the publishing process as we guide you through self-publishing with Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) for both eBooks, paperback, and hardcover formats. Understand formatting, cover design, and the steps to get your book ready for the market.


Leverage your book to enhance your online presence and authority. Establish thought leadership, and attract a dedicated audience that aligns with your business objectives.


Receive actionable guidance on refining your message, structuring your content, and ensuring your book aligns seamlessly with your brand.


✅ An all-in-one course to help you write, publish, and launch your book, fast!

✅ Four parts, twelve lessons, with bonus material (more on that later)

✅ Step-by-step methods, activations, and worksheets.

How To Write A Book In 8 Weeks Or Less Includes:

Part 1: Laying The Foundation For Your Book

Lesson 1: Exploring The Purpose Behind Writing Your Book

Lesson 2: Cultivating The Proper Mindset For Book Completion

Lesson 3: Clarifying The Content & Message Of Your Book

Part 2: Strategic Planning & Organizing Your Book

Lesson 4: Defining Your Book Title & Subtitle

Lesson 5: Mapping Your Book

Lesson 6: Creating Your Chapter Titles

Lesson 7: Outlining Your Book's Content

Part 3: Writing Your Book

Lesson 8: A Guide to Using Reedsy.com for Writing

Lesson 9: How To Begin Writing

Lesson 10: The Writing Process

Part 4: Editing, Completing & Publishing Your Book

Lesson 11: Editing Your BookLesson

12: How To Self-Publish Your Book With Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)

🔥 PLUS Bonus Material Throughout The Course:

✅ Bonus Video: Leveraging AI To Write & Edit Your Book

✅ Bonus Video: Using Fiverr.com To Create Your Book Cover

✅ Bonus Handout: Clarifying Your Unique Message & Target Audience

Purchase the course today and get instant access!

Write & Publish Your Book In 8 Weeks Or Less: The Rock Solid Path To Publish Your Non-Fiction Book (even if you’ve tried and failed!)

You can see we've got everything you need to make sure you're successful in writing and publishing your non-fiction book.

But here's the thing…

We're going to do something for a limited time that we wouldn't normally do.

There's a lot of crazy stuff happening in America right now.

It's an election year.

The nation is divided.

People are struggling.

An unknown future ahead, no matter who becomes President.

So that means two things.

First, you, as a creator need to make sure your income is fortified and your business has as many revenue streams as possible as we roll into 2025 so you can weather whatever storm may be coming.

Second, the people your message and services need to reach need to hear from you now more than ever.

YOU have a solution that THEY need so they can overcome whatever hardships they're facing.

What happens if those you were meant to serve with your message don't ever hear it because you didn't take action?

And how much has procrastination already cost you, by not publishing your book?

For those reasons, we want to help as many people as possible to publish their books this year.

And we want to make sure you, as an author, feel 100% confident you are positioned for success.

And we also know sometimes making a decision to purchase a course like this can come with objections.

Will this really help me like they say it will?

What if there's something missing in the course that I really need?

What if it's not worth the money I invest?

All valid questions...

So, to put you at ease, for a limited time we are offering more bonuses. 🤯

We're going to show up every week LIVE for a Q&A and make sure ALL of your questions are answered.

That’s right. We're going to go LIVE every week to MAKE SURE you get your book written.

We think our course is already very complete, but if ANYTHING is missing and brought to our attention by our students, we'll record additional modules and add them to the course!

We want the easiest, simplest, course possible on the market for creators, free thinkers, entrepreneurs, and leaders to use and get real results, FAST.

We want our course to answer ALL of your questions and be rock solid for you and future customers.

When you go through this course with us, you’re going to get all of your questions answered LIVE and receive a level of accountability and support that future classes won’t get.

🔥 PLUS, we're going to hook you up with a ridiculous no-brainer discount so we can get as many authors published and make sure it covers all the bases.

Here’s the deal.

Bridgett and I normally charge $8,000 for us to coach you one-on-one through this process, and $15,000 for a "Done For You" service.

And it's worth every penny for those who choose that path.

Clients pay a minimum of $8k to work with us directly.

The good news is that we're not going to charge you that.

When we release the updated version of our course and community later this year, the future classes will pay $1,997, which is still a HUGE bargain.

$1,997 to all but guarantee your book gets written, published, and a blueprint to begin marketing your book?

Yes, a no-brainer.

As it is, we've had this course priced at $997, which is even a crazy deal when I think about how much time we spent figuring this process out and weeding through all the complex methods most people are teaching.

And we're not even going to charge you that much.

We wanted a simple, easy course that could deliver fast results.

And that's how this course was created.

No fluff.


🔥 Everything listed above that's in the digital course.

🔥 PLUS LIVE Group Q&A's every week.

😎 All for only $497

If you read this far you know it's time to take action.

Click below and let's get you published!

Trevor & Bridgett

Frequently Asked Questions

How Is The Course Delivered?

Great question! You'll get instant access to the course within a few minutes of signing up, and you'll have lifetime access so you can keep coming back to it if you decide to write more books. You'll have EXACT instructions to follow so you get your book DONE (even if you don't know what your book idea is). There's no confusion. Just log in, watch the videos, and download the worksheets for each module.

Is This Course For Fiction or Non-Fiction Books?

This course is designed for non-fiction books so if you have a fiction book you would like to write, this course is not for you.

Why Should I Self-Publish My Book?

A medium to large-sized publishing house typically receives over 5,000 unsolicited manuscript submissions each year. Within the book publishing industry, it's widely acknowledged that the chances of an author getting their work published are between 1% and 2%.

By following our simple self-publishing process, you take control of your message, determine your audience, and accelerate the timeline for getting your book into their hands.

If I Want More Personalized Help Do You Offer One-on-One Coaching?

Yes! While you'll have everything at your fingertips to write and publish a book within this course, we've found that some of our clients recognize the value of extra encouragement, coaching, accountability, technical expertise, and unlimited support to accelerate the completion of their first book. If you fall into this category, We offer personalized one-on-one authorship coaching with unrestricted access to both of us (Trevor + Bridgett) until your book is published, even if it takes more than 8 weeks. You'll have the opportunity to schedule an intake call to see if this is a good fit for you after your order is completed for the digital course.

  • Everything You Need To Publish A Book

  • Video Modules With Trevor & Bridgett

  • Downloadable Worksheets

  • BONUS Handout: Clarifying Your Unique Message & Target Audience

  • Regular $297 NOW ONLY $149 FOR A LIMITED TIME

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